Mustang Club of Maryland

Would like to gain full access.
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Author:  Phil2017 [ Mon Jun 11, 2018 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Would like to gain full access.

Hi! My name is Phil and I just joined last month. I am a proud owner of a 2017 Oxford White V-6, my first Mustang since 2000 when I donated my 87 2.3L hatchback with 368,000 miles on the odometer. I had a great time at Mission Barbecue last week seeing and meeting all the great cars and members. I hope to take advantage of more outings with the club. Am looking forward to gaining full access. Pictures to follow.

Author:  Great White [ Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Would like to gain full access.

Hi Phil,

Welcome to the club. You should now have full access to the site, but if not please send me a private message and I will look further into it. Also you should be receiving a welcome packet in the mail which will have a password to enter the members only section.

Please also ask to join our facebook group page as there is a lot more activity there. We are currently in the process of revamping this website but currently doesn't see much action.


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