We had a very nice turnout for the March Meeting at Serafino's Italian Restaurant in Ellicott City, MD. Kudos to Dave Rummel for finding this restaurant as it had a private meeting room on the bottom floor opposite the bar area. We had such a good turnout that the staff had to bring in extra tables to accomodate everyone!
Karla Saval brought in a package of cup cakes to help celebrate my birthday and everyone had a good time singing Happy Birthday. We also had a few laughs at the constant references to "old" business but I appreciated the thoughtfulness of Karla and the club and I can't thing of a better way to celebrate my birthday than with my friends at MCOM.
Clark, aka "child labor", Skirka was the surprise recipient of the Member of the Month Award for March. Clark, while technically not a members yet, always attend s our meetings and events with his Mom, Linda Queen. Clark is our 50/50 ticket seller at meeting and events and my part time assistant photographer. Clark is an active behind the scenes helper at parades, meetings and events and is very deserving of earning the Member of the Month for the Mustang Club of Maryland!
Clark received a gift certificate to Cold Stone Ice Cream! Congratulations Clark!
Here are the pictures from the meeting. While we had hoped for mild weather and a chance to show off our cars before the meeting, the weather had turned cold and windy so hopefully next month we will have a better opportunity to meet before the meeting to socialize with our cars.
I did take a few pics of Bob & Heather Thompson's newest edition, a 1990 Mustang with a souped up 302 cid engine and a five speed tranny. Linda was brave enough to park next to Bob and have to walk through the cold to the restaurant but we all had a good time before we went in to eat before the meeting.
Midnight Blue
MCOM Treasurer-Historian